Blogging, ugh. I'd rather be painting a big juicy canvas.

I tried adding extra g’s and h’s into the spelling of ugh because of how much I dislike blogging but spell check wouldn’t let me. I have been told that blogging is an essential tool that can help increase my SEO (more eyes on my website) but I REALLY despise writing. I would much prefer to paint, to photograph my paintings, to post on social or an ocean or lakeside walk (re: gathering west coast ref photos for painting). I DO enjoy blogging when I have a Collection release because then I feel like I have something to say. AND I have had MANY people go out of their way to say they love my writing. Now that I have permanently closed my hair salon and am devoting all my time to my art pursuit, I like the idea of sharing more of who I am and what makes me tick with all you. ahhhh, TIME! I’m SO grateful to have time! The last 3 years of working two jobs (on top of my caregiver role) most definitely burnt me out. I have said a quiet gratitude in my head since Feb 10 when I closed those salon doors.

So then, I reflect and wonder what is it I don’t I like about the writing process the rest of the time? While writing this I realize one of my hurdles is I tend to be brief with my writing, “cut to the chase, get to the point” is my natural tendency. It doesn’t usually occur to me to elaborate on a thought. I’m more like, “how concise can I get my idea across” kinda gal. I’m also insecure about typos and grammar and punctuation. I want to seem more well read and educated than I am. That harks back to my past insecurities of not going to university, but that’s a conversation for my therapist. lol.

I also have scattered thoughts or more kindly put, spontaneous thoughts which take me off track or focus. Yup, I’m like many artists who live in an organic kinda way. Squirrel! I accomplish a lot but I do it when inspiration strikes me, not so much by a certain list or schedule. My online artist friend Kerry, commented recently on this. In her words, “Sticking to a schedule is overrated. People tell you that it’s the key to being successfully self employed but it’s just not true. Work when you want to, don’t work when you don’t want to, and you’ll find you’ll probably get more work done and be happier doing it. Seriously, working intuitively is the beauty of being self employed!” How true those words. since being a full time artist, I have had days where I’ve only responded to emails and exercised and written a social post and other days where I painted for 12 hours straight. Because I was inspired to do so or it fit with my family’ schedule. How blessed am I?

In talking to my friend Laura about my repellant feelings towards blogging, she suggested that I write about something I am keen to talk about. And then it clicked. It is in my VERY long term goal to create an online art course. But to begin at the beginning. As I have been taking online courses the last year I noticed how advanced they all were. It seems to me that by time artists think to create a course, they have forgotten what it’s like at the very beginning, not knowing anything. Not knowing what all the different types of brushes do, what does wet on wet mean? Why acrylic paint vs oil paint. The fact that you don’t need to draw something life-like to create a beautiful painting, being messy is KEY! I remember thinking it all sounded like Latin in my first course. In fact I actually asked my instructor to slow down and break it all down. She taught me a few basic skills and I walked away with art I was proud to hang on my wall and even willing to pay to frame it!

So I’m going to start with that, writing my thoughts down when it occurs to me that it would fit well into a course. It will serve two purposes, to share with you my process as well, be an archive for creating said future course. Ok, three purposes, the last being, I’m not just jabbering on without a purpose. (also why I hate most podcasts, but that’s a topic for another day). Well looky here, I wrote quite bit didn’t I? Good job miss non-writer. Please feel free to reply with your thoughts, I love building connection and appreciate feedback. Tata for now! xo Ronei.


Pro tips for hanging your art by Kylie M Interiors
